Wednesday, November 3, 2010


This red leaf lettuce was at least part of dinner this evening.  It made a lovely salad, accompanied by some sliced roast beef and oven baked home fries seasoned with fresh lemon thyme and rosemary from my herb pots. 

One of the wonderful things about living in a sub-tropic area is the long fall growing season.  I have tomatoes in the garden, lettuce, peas, and I'm still getting a few eggplant and okra.  Wonderful.


  1. Delicious. There is something eminently satisfying about growing ones own food.

  2. Maggs, I agree entirely. I am so thankful that I live in a area where it is possible.

  3. Unfortunately, whenever I try to grow anything edible lately, something else eats it before I get the chance :-)

  4. I had more of that problem myself this year. I grow organically and that takes a lot more time out in the garden checking for insects, etc. Unfortunately, this year I had less time due to my new commuting schedule. In fact, the fall garden is much more productive than my summer garden.

  5. I love red leaf lettuce, but then I love all greens.
