Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I've had sprouts on the brain lately.  Around the new year, my fellow food enthusiast and sister, Elisa asked my opinion on where to find sprouting seeds as she was given a seed sprouter. I didn't have any good ideas.  Soon after, I ran across a blog with an entry about how much the author enjoyed growing sprouts and it really made my brain think.

I've bought sprouts over the years from the supermarket but have pretty much stopped in recent years as I have a difficult time finding sprouts that are fresh or with mold free roots. Then, when I find a good batch I have a hard time finishing them before they develop mold in my refrigerator. I always knew that some folks grow their own sprouts. I'd just never bothered, until a couple of weeks ago.

Now, I can officially say, "I grow my own sprouts." I ordered seed online and am experimenting with different flavors. Certainly, I'm able to create more variety at home than I can buy at the supermarket. The sprouts in the photo are basil and red cabbage sprouts. Yummy!

I'm still experimenting with different sprouting techniques and don't feel able to recommend any one device or style of sprouting but I will say, if Google is to be believed there are a lot of ways to grow sprouts. I can't imagine any of the techniques could go that wrong. After all, sprouting is what seeds are designed to do.


  1. Screw top glass jars with holes poked in the lids unde the kitchen sink.... sprouts in, tip upside down to drain out majority of water ( so they don't "drown", then leave under the sink; voila - "fresh" green during the winetr months... I love the crunch, the availability, and the nutrition of what we do additives, no preservatives - freah as..... I know there are multitudes of ways and means - this however has always worked for it recycles...

  2. As you know, I really enjoy sprouts but since I moved I haven't been able to find good sprouting seeds. Most of the ones I have bought have been so old they have failed to germinate. Your article has encouraged me to try again. Those sprouts up there in the picture look delicious!

  3. I am not really big on sprouts, but I would love to give yours a try!

  4. Wait... Is this a photo or painting??

  5. Maggs, I have a sprouter much like you describe. I made it from a wide mouth spaghetti sauce jar. :)

    Elisa, the seeds I bought online turned out really well.

    CG, you're welcome to.

    KF, definitely photo, my sprouts at an early stage.

  6. I love an alfa sprouts & peanut butter sandwich! Never tried self-sprouting other varieties, but I think I should.

  7. Alpha and PB? That's new on me. I think I'll have to give that a try.

  8. I love sprouts too. There is a Sam's type store here that sells this container of three different type of sprouts that I've bought on occasion and the only ones I've found that are actually 'really fresh' when I've bought them. I think growing your own would be a great idea.. I think you have inspired me.

  9. Lori, hope yours turn out well if you do decided to sprout. It certainly is easy to do.
