I'd like to spend a bit of time mentioning the website Pinterest. I've had several discussions of late about Pinterest and the purpose of pinterest. In fact, I thought I summed it up quite well when I put together this description in response to the question, "What is Pinterest":
"I like to think of it as an aggregator. As people run across things on the internet that they are interested in they can create a "pin" which includes an image from the website and link back to the original source. Most of the information/ideas you run across on Pinterest are already out there on the internet but Pinterest gives you the ability to view what your friends and/or total strangers are interested in. Users can also, within limits create content.
The ability to catalogue these interests into different "boards" on your own account is a helpful way to keep up with things you run across. It has a social component as you are networked with friends but it is not social in the sense that there are no private messages, chat, etc. Any social interaction is held in comment section below you "pins". All that said, I'm a little bit addicted! You can view the Pinterest site without having an account just to get an idea."
The ability to catalogue these interests into different "boards" on your own account is a helpful way to keep up with things you run across. It has a social component as you are networked with friends but it is not social in the sense that there are no private messages, chat, etc. Any social interaction is held in comment section below you "pins". All that said, I'm a little bit addicted! You can view the Pinterest site without having an account just to get an idea."
Someone else came along and said something to the affect of, "It's an online creativity board." Uhm... well yes, that's succinct and regretably spot-on. Perhaps, I occasionally overthink things.
However, back to photo. Please ignore the small little corner of hunter green wall. The walls are slated for a redo, they came with the house. I find them well, dark and very green.
Anywho, I've been running across this idea on Pinterest to use tiered serving trays for jewelry organization. As I've been in desperate need of some help in that department I thought I would give it a try. I've also run across the whole repurposing glass and ceramics into tiered serving platters both on Pinterest and out there in the real world at craft fairs. I thought I'd combine the two. Voila.
I wasn't sure that I actually liked the combination I came up with until I put jewelry it. Now, I've decided I am pleased with how it turned out. The best part, I hit Goodwill on a half-off housewares sale and the two plates and one glass cost a total of $1.47. At that price, I can decide to hate it later. I did use acrylics I already had to create the "marbled" glass and I had glue. Those obviously didn't require any extra expense beyond walking to my craft closet.
If you are interested in creating a similar project and would like some direction, try this tutorial at Sew Retro.